
Considering A Tiny Home? Don’t Forget These Key Things

Are you sick of living in a huge home which requires a lot of maintenance and even more expense? If you’re ready to downsize and build a tiny home, there’s quite a lot to think about. It certainly isn’t something you can just jump into without some serious thought. Here are some of the elements that you need to consider before you make your move.

Where Can You Actually Stay?

At the moment, municipalities nationwide are trying to develop code to accommodate for the needs of tiny homes. At the present time, you can’t simply put a tiny home in the location of your choice. You need to take on board zoning ordinances, and you’ll need to acquire a piece of land on which to put it. Usually, tiny homes are allowed to park up for a couple of weeks, but then you’ll need to move on. It’s wise to take advice from others who have taken the tiny home route. You’ll be able to get some great ideas from step by step construction guides to ideas about sourcing materials.

Checking The Tires

Tires are one of the biggest issues linked to tiny homes and this has led to many tiny home residents parking their property on cement blocks or wood so that they don’t need to deal with such problems.

Over time, tires deteriorate. It’s possible to delay that ageing process if you keep them away from sunlight, fill them with inert gases or ensure they stay filled to the right pressure level. The wheel bearings are another consideration – they require regular maintenance with proper lubrication, repacking and servicing.

Powering Your Home

A lot of owners of tiny homes choose greener energy options. Solar panels are one popular choice and if you visit now you can find everything you need to know about choosing the right solar powered generator to suit your property’s needs.

Prepare For Less Space

You’ll have very limited room in your tiny home, so finding a way to get rid of all your unnecessary items is essential. A yard sale, taking items to a charity store or giving away unwanted items could be the way forward, or you could even raise funds by selling online. Remember you’ll have limited cooking space and a much smaller fridge. It’ll take a lot of planning to determine what you’re going to eat since storage space will be at a premium.

Consider Your Home’s Value

If your tiny home is sited on land which you own, your home will increase in value, however if you only own the tiny home and not its site, it won’t necessarily get a boost in value over time. Insuring your tiny home is another tricky element to consider. If you’re going to get RV insurance you’ll need RVIA certification to prove that the specific test requirements have been met. You’ll need to remember to document the process of constructing your tiny home since you can expect inspections from electricians and insurance carriers.

Pulling Permits

One final element to keep in mind if you’re building your own tiny home is that you’ll need to work with zoning officials and local planning offices. You’ll be required to submit your architectural plans which have been drawn up professional and your new home will need to meet with the relevant code. If your tiny home is going to be on tires, it will fall under the RV requirements and this means it will have to be parked within an area zoned for mobile homes.

All of these factors need to be considered if you’re thinking of joining the tiny home movement. However, it is well worth the effort to downsize. You can save considerable sums by moving into your own tiny home, and the simpler way of life can be incredibly liberating. Most people who have taken the step to move from a regular house into a tiny home have never regretted their decision. However, the key to success is preparation, planning and forethought. If you get it right in the first place, your downsizing move will be quick, easy and convenient, leaving you to enjoy the pleasures of your new, more affordable lifestyle.


Alicia Grabell

Published by
Alicia Grabell

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